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Hill Hill Card-Based Billiards Strategy Game

Hill Hill Card-Based Billiards Strategy Game


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Hill Hill is a first-of-a-kind billiards strategy game! Whether playing solo or with friends, this game will shake up how you play billiards. This game involves a nice balance of skill, strategy, and chance, meaning you don’t have to be a pool shark to hold your own. Players can also play as an “advanced player” if there is a big gap in skill levels, making this game great for beginners and experts. Hill Hill is an excellent team-building exercise and a fun way to train your game!

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Players draw a card and attempt to complete challenges/runs on the table. If you’re successful, you keep the card and accrue points. Players can also use certain cards to make their path to the “Hill” easier or more difficult for opponents.

Run Cards

Run cards are the most common card type. Each run card is part of a set of three, ranging in difficulty from easy (yellow) to difficult (red). Set the table up according to the card and start with the ball in hand. Then you must run the table without scratching or missing.

Challenge Cards

Challenge cards test a specific skill on difficult shots. Bank shots, lags, breaks, mini-breaks, runs, ball control… and so much more! Complete the challenge on the first try, and the challenge is yours.

Shootout Cards

Take your time to create any shot you’d like. If you make it, your opponent must replicate the shot. If you miss, the opponent takes control. Play continues until a player makes a shot their opponent misses.

Scratch Cards

Want to take the challenge up to another level? Scratch cards add permanent disadvantages to the player, and are worth zero points. There’s almost no way to remove these…

Bridge Cards

Need a lifeline? Bridge cards are here to save you! If you need an extra advantage or give an opponent a disadvantage, use the card to even the odds! Or, if you don’t need the help, keep the Bridge card in hand for extra points!

Shipping Information

Weight .1 kg
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 3 cm
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