Pool gloves offer a distinct advantage over playing bare-handed, though the primary benefit is to improve your grip on your cue. A better grip will allow for more control over your shots, and leave you a lot less prone to miscues or slipping. The gloves are particularly helpful for playing with a closed bridge, but it also helps with open bridges.

Not everyone chooses to play with a billiard glove, but most players will recommend them – especially in high heat or humid environments.

Do you sweat when you play? Don’t be embarrassed if you do! It’s extremely common, especially in warm competition environments, or when you might be a little more nervous than usual. Perspiration causes you to lose grip on your cue, regardless of how good it might be. Shooting with a pool glove, you completely negate the risk of ruining your shot, making for an all-round more predictable and enjoyable experience!