Frequently Asked Questions
What is CPR + MSM Lotion?
CPR + MSM Lotion is an all-natural pain relief lotion that works within 5 minutes of application. MSM is an organic form of sulfur called Methylsulfonylmethane, commonly used for pain relief.
What does MSM do?
It inhibits pain impulses along nerve fibres, which reduces muscle spasms and inflammation while increasing the blood flow rate to the applied spot.
How do I apply CPR + MSM Lotion?
Spread enough to cover the hurting area and lightly rub it over the affected area, allowing the CPR and MSM to absorb into the skin for instant relief. Do not massage the lotion into the skin. Be sure to avoid applying CPR + MSM Lotion on your eyes or other sensitive areas, such as wounds or damaged skin.
What kind of sensation should I expect after application?
It depends on the person! You will either get a cooling or warm sensation along with a tingling feeling, but almost everyone will feel the immediate pain reduction.
Can I wrap the area where I applied CPR + MSM Lotion?
There is no need to wrap the area. Allow the cream to absorb uncovered for best usage.
How often do I apply CPR + MSM Lotion?
Each application should give pain relief for 5 – 8 hours. If your symptoms last longer than 7 days or worsen, stop using CPR + MSM Lotion and speak to a doctor.
Can I use CPR + MSM Lotion while using prescription drugs?
CPR + MSM has not been shown to interact with any common prescription drugs. If you are unsure, consult a doctor.
Can I use CPR + MSM Lotion if I am allergic to sulfa drugs?
MSM is not related to sulfa drugs and can be used if you are allergic.
Is CPR + MSM safe for children?
Chronic Pain Relief has not had any adverse reactions reported. For children 2 yrs and under, and adult should consult a health care professional. ALWAYS PATCH TEST CHILDREN before applying.
Can I use CPR + MSM on pets or animals?
MSM has been safely used in the canine and equine industries for many years. DO NOT USE ON CATS OR OTHER FELINES.