If every coffee shop boasts that they have the best coffee and every robotic pool cleaner manufacturer claims they have the best robot, how do WE determine what the best is?

What works! And of course, feedback from our customers.

Each product in our line-up has a place – from consumer feedback, warranty, manufacturer’s support and of course, available features, our cleaners are all categorized from Good to Best. Not every cleaner works in every pool but the one we call the “Best”, apparently does

If the product costs a little bit more but you have a solid warranty and someone to service what you have been sold, that extra expense just may be worth it. If the product seems quite a bit less than the others, chances are you will be replacing it sooner than later. Ask yourself “What is the manufacturer’s warranty and what does that warranty cover?”


Our business is not to sell the consumer a robotic cleaner that requires multiple return visits to our store in order to maintain it and we don’t want you calling a 1-800 number when you need help with your Robot – we want you calling us. Our logic is – offer the consumer something that works so that they tell their friends and so on!

What brand of Robotic Pool Cleaner do I purchase?

It’s very confusing when one company is offering 5 different brands of cleaner made up of 3 or 4 different models. How could they possibly do the end user justice when trying to match them to the features that are important to their lifestyle?

Many non-pool oriented companies try their hand at making swimming pool equipment because they feel their brand will sell trust. So, this leads to the question “If a swimming pool vacuum manufacturer started making vacuums for inside the home, would you be more inclined to try it or a Dyson?” Everyone out there is really good at something and sometimes it’s just better to stick with what we know works well based on their track record.

With robotic cleaners, we offer only 2 brands of robotic cleaners – Why? Because they are superior in performance and offer support should concerns arise.

Here at The Pool Shoppe, our Robotics Line-up is simple:
sell the absolute Best of the Good, Better and Best.

It’s not always about price, either. Possibly the high end features that the “Best” has to offer,  really aren’t important to our clients. This is why we ask questions and qualify for which Robotic Cleaner is right for you.

What is the Weekly Timer Option and is this important?

This is a feature that many manufacturers push – one that they claim makes their unit better than another. Sure, this feature sounds great but let’s think on this a little more:  Let’s say we leave our plastic robot in our chlorinated pool all week to turn on and off when we program it to. What is the chlorine doing to all of the plastic components within the unit? What if the pH and Total Alkalinity are off balance? We already know what an acidic pH does to a vinyl liner…

Who is emptying the cartridge canister when the unit gets full after each cycle? The fuller the leaf and debris canisters, the harder it is on your robot’s motor to push water through for full performance. Sounds like a feature that will have you back to the supplier’s workbench sooner than later, so how long is that warranty again? Sure, our cleaners offer this feature as not to lose the opportunity to sell itself against another, but at our store, we highly talk against using that feature when there are so many other features that are more important. You will invest in a robot to ultimately replace the need for brushing and vacuuming your pool during the swimming season. Why subject it to longer than necessary weakening environments that will only bleach the product out and reduce its life expectancy.

Do I need a Remote Control?

Of course not… if you don’t mind that your cleaner didn’t clean 100% of your pool. Very few robots can clean an entire pool spotless. There is usually one spot in every pool that the robot simply chooses not to clean and it is usually the same spot every time. Whether it be an area near a strong return jet or an area by the steps, those that don’t have a remote control will admit to pulling their robot by the cable to the area that the robot missed. They turn the power back on and force the robot to drive over the last few leaves or pine needles. For some, this works. But what if you had a remote control that allowed you to drive your unit directly over the little area it missed? No cable dragging or “dog walking” the robot around. Most of the robots we carry offer a handy remote that simply stays with the robot on the cart when not in use. The newest cleaners on the market allow you to drive your robot using your Smartphone – a very cool app if you trust yourself or others with your smartphone poolside. However, most seem to like the size of the robotic remotes that can stay with the caddy when needed and not having to depend on their smart devices in the yard.

Aside from driving the robot, remote controls also offer the robot directives for specialized cleaning cycles when available. For example, the power transformers often offer a “default” cleaning cycle when pressing the “on” button but by using the remote control, you can choose a specific length of time you wish the cleaner to work and with our M600, you can tell, you can tell the robot to only clean the waterline or floor only.

What do I look for in a Robotic Cleaner Warranty?

Length of warranty is very important and is often directly related to price. Robots with a great reputation often cost a little more but are usually accompanied by a great warranty. We don’t have a ton of faith in a robot that only offers a one year warranty – it’s not really one year, but one season and after spending over $1,000, it’s a hard pill to swallow when you are told that one season is all you get. Some manufacturers defects may not show themselves until season two.

Is it a “full” or “pro-rated/limited” warranty? Full covers you on all components, 100% except for filters or “wearables”. Pro-rated warranties offer discounts on new units or parts as the warranty gets older – similar to those of a pool liner.

Can I try a demo before I buy one?

At The Pool Shoppe, YES! A robot is a big investment and we are sure that we will have one to suit every pool and budget. Our 3-day trial program allows clients to try one or more models of robotic cleaner to rule out any hiccups before buying. Some robots get caught up on main drain lids and stores won’t return robots easily due to symptoms like these. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that what you are getting is truly a fit for your pool size and shape?