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Fix-A-Leak Pool & Hot Tub Sealer


Fix A Leak is a blended concentrated material designed to seal leaks in virtually any material. It can be applied for leaks in the spa shell, pool floor, and in plumbing lines. Any hole up to 1/8″ in diameter will be sealed with its long lasting formula.

Directions: Bypass your filter media before adding Fix-A-Leak to the water. With the pump running, add Fix-A-Leak directly into the skimmer or infront of any suction intake. Fix-A-Leak is very heavy and will sink to the lowest point quickly. Stir the product every 4-6 hours to ensure proper usage. Continue to circulate until the leak stops. Allow up to 48 hours for Fix-A-Leak to cure and properly seal the leak.


We recommend draining your spa after treatment as long as night temperatures remain over 40 F. If temperatures dip below 40 F for any length of time, you may reinstall the filter(s) and remove the remainder of Fix A Leak out of the Spa or Hot Tub, making sure to take them out now and then to rinse under hot water to remove any Fix A Leak residue. If you can drain the Spa, ensure that as the water level goes down, wipe it down with a warm, wet, soft cloth or towel to remove all remaining residue of Fix A Leak. It can leave a white residue if it is not thoroughly wiped away. Once the Spa shell is cleaned, let the Spa sit empty for 5-7 days to attempt to cure the FIX A LEAK from the inside of the plumbing pipe[s] (as the foam insulation will remain wet or damp for months on end).
Remember that water may still drip from the saturated foam surrounding the hot tub/spa.

Once this process is completed, refill your spa, add chemicals, and resume regular operation.

Shipping Information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Small (8oz), Large (32oz)

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