Alliance is a new synergistic team of products carefully balanced to provide pool owners with a safe, comfortable and reliable Pool Care System. As the number one alternative to salt water, Alliance delivers soft, algae-free, sparkling clear water, 24 hours a day!

Does Alliance work in a Concrete or Gunite pool?
Yes! Maintaining accurate pH levels is crucial to the integrity of a concrete pool’s surface. Alliance has added pH Stabilizers to help prevent damaging pH levels and is also formulated with a sequestering agent to reduce scale formation and staining.
Should I use Alliance in my Salt Water Pool?
Your pool’s salt chlorine system already provides your pool with adequate levels of chlorine. However, Alliance ElaBORATE is a great water enhancer which not only contributes to the softness of your salt water but also helps prevent the constant upward pH drift associated with salt water pools.
If my pool water is clear while using Alliance, do I still need to add Soft Shock?
Absolutely! Alliance is composed of a carefully balanced team of products that all contribute to safe, sparkling clear water. Alliance Soft Shock not only helps remove unwanted contaminants from pool water but also improves filtration, provides stain and scale prevention and helps to stabilize pH levels.
Do I need to purchase any other chemicals when using Alliance?
The short answer is Yes. Heavy bather loads, inclement weather and the nature of source water can all affect water chemistry. There may be times where heavier shock treatments are required to support the efficiency of Alliance. Routine water tests are recommended and will certainly help in determining the right amounts of each Alliance product to use in your Maintenance Program and whether further balancing products are required.
The Aqua-Guard Alliance Program replaces our Synergy Pool Care System. Both products will work well together for those using up components of Synergy and introducing new Alliance components.